Although the method types are very different in their nature and use, there are some common features. There are basic settings where the options and effects are the same for each method:

  Werte Beschreibung
Access control
  • Internal
  • Protected
  • Public
The access protection ensures that the method can be used for the respective application zone.
MIME-Typ Text The generated result is given this mimetype for further processing. A browser needs the mimetype text/html for an HTML document for example.
Output cache
  • Deactivated
  • RAM
  • Hard drive
Defines whether the output result is to be stored in the cache for re-use. Literal results can be buffered both on the hard drive and in the memory.
  • Direct
  • Reusable
The source data can be acquired both directly from the data server and via the local cache. In the case of evaluation via the local cache, the source data is reused until the expiry of the data.
Dataview Text Defines the XML view which has the method for the source data. Possible values here are meta, content, metacontent, children or progressive.
On change of source data
  • Inherit behaviour
  • Reject result
  • Recalculate result
  • Recalculate result if dependants are present
  • Remove all results including dependants
Calculate later


It is ensured that this method is implemented at runtime. It is not part of the integrating template, but is executed separately at the time of each call and is inserted in the appropriate place. A fully dynamic element can be integrated into a cached context in this way.
On changed of used Objects
  • Reject result
  • Recalculate result if dependants are present
  • Recalculate result always