First steps with the Client API

The Client API communicates with the Information Server via .NET remoting. It is a highly stateful interface on the basis of highly granular caching and the ability to enable so-called subsessions with a minimum resource load. It is best for it to reveal its abilities in long-life server applications serving many users. The Editor and Render Engine are good examples of this.

A connection is created on the basis of login data. A successful connection will give you access to the following sections:

  • Data management
  • Information model
  • User, role, group and rights administration

The group-based rights administration controls which data you can command within this connection or which data may be manipulated. Roles on the other hand determine whether you may manipulate the XML-schema-based information model or control users, groups and rights.

The role of application server is special. This relieves the Information Server by read accesses of many different users and the relevant rights check being incrementally assumed by this external process. The processor load thus shifts from the central Information Server to the attached application server after a short running time.

On the following pages you will become acquainted step by step with the range of functions of the Client API through code examples.