applyGlossary (text : string, glossaryMap : string, abbrevationMap : string, [ignoreCase : boolean]) : nodeset

The method »applyGlossary« looks for glosses and abbreviations in the transferred text and links these. The glossary description will be the link's "title" attribute .

The parameters »glossaryMap« and »abbrevationMap« are XLinks for XML methods in which glosses and abbreviations are listed. If you only have one of the possible maps just serve both parameters with the same XLink.

The XML has to be structured as follows:

<entry href="{$glossaryUri}">
<term>Glossary entry</term>
<term>Synonym 1</term>
<term>Synonym 2</term>
<description>Glossary description</description>
Glossary and abbreviation maps' structure

It's possible to provide an unbounded number of <term> elements. There has to be at least one element.

The <description> element holds either plain text or the glossary entry's XHTML-description. The Extension gets rid of the markup and filters only plain text.