<uriFormat> Element

The “uriFormat” element determines the representation of references in generated contents. The example refers to the OnionUriPathFormat provided, which offers the following additional functions:

  • Configurable partial formatting via templates
  • Quicklinks and redirects
  • URL rewriting capability
Attribut Description Optional
staticFormatterPath Render Engine modules can make static resources available. The path is controlled via this attribute. No
staticParserPath It is configured here how the queries for static resources arrive at the web application. If no URL rewriting has taken place, the value corresponds to that of the preceding attribute. No
Element Description Optional
builder Configuration of the link-forming component. No
parser Configuration of the link-processing component. No
<uriFormat staticFormatterPath="/renderengine/binary.ashx/data" staticParserPath="/renderengine/binary.ashx/data">
<builder type="Onion.RenderEngine.DataSource.OnionUriPathFormat, Onion.RenderEngine.DataSource">
<format literal-path="/renderengine/page.ashx" binary-path="/renderengine/binary.ashx" />
<parser type="Onion.RenderEngine.DataSource.OnionUriPathFormat, Onion.RenderEngine.DataSource" />