<imageserver> Element

Attribut Description Optional
ipBinding Connects the monitoring server of the onion.net Image Server to the specified IP address. Yes
port Connects the monitoring server of the onion.net Image Server to the specified port. If this is not specified, then the server is not started. Yes
historyItems Defines the number of graphic calculations to be saved in the trace of the server. The default value is 100. Yes
customFontsPath Sets the path to a directory where user-defined character fonts are situated. The default value is the directory "CustomFonts". Yes
traceImagePath Sets the path to a directory where the graphics of the trace that have undergone an intermediate calculation are stored. The default value is “TraceImages”. Yes
ghostScriptPath Sets the path to the execution file of GhostScript. Yes
<imageserver ipBinding="*" port="8082" historyItems="50" customFontsPath="CustomFonts" traceImagesPath="Temp" ghostscriptPath="C:\ghostscript\bin\gswin32c.exe" />