<imageserver> Element
Attribut | Description | Optional |
ipBinding | Connects the monitoring server of the onion.net Image Server to the specified IP address. | Yes |
port | Connects the monitoring server of the onion.net Image Server to the specified port. If this is not specified, then the server is not started. | Yes |
historyItems | Defines the number of graphic calculations to be saved in the trace of the server. The default value is 100. | Yes |
customFontsPath | Sets the path to a directory where user-defined character fonts are situated. The default value is the directory "CustomFonts". | Yes |
traceImagePath | Sets the path to a directory where the graphics of the trace that have undergone an intermediate calculation are stored. The default value is “TraceImages”. | Yes |
ghostScriptPath | Sets the path to the execution file of GhostScript. | Yes |
<imageserver ipBinding="*" port="8082" historyItems="50" customFontsPath="CustomFonts" traceImagesPath="Temp" ghostscriptPath="C:\ghostscript\bin\gswin32c.exe" />