Editing system
In order to administrate contents, the user opens the area “Editing system”. If a user clicks on the button for adding new work areas, then he will be offered the editing system as the first item. Under this submenu point, the user is always offered the “productive environment” and all existing ChangeSets if necessary. If the user has the rights to create new ChangeSets, then a new ChangeSet can be created directly with the last item “New…”.
If the user has selected an editing system, then a new tab opens. The workspace for this area is arranged as follows. A structure tree can be seen on the left-hand side showing all data objects which the user may view. Above the structure tree there is a selection menu and the project logo. Using the selection menu, the user can change the work area and thus switch between the “productive environment” or the ChangeSets. If the user is in a ChangeSet, then the selection list is grey. If he is in the “productive environment”, the selection list is red. The colour of the tab also changes. While it is orange in the ChangeSets, it is red in the “productive environment”. The colour red is intended to signal to the user in a simple manner that he is in an environment where the changes carried out will have effects on all connected productive environments, such as a web page for example.
Next to the structure tree there is an area which can show two different views. The first view is the entry page to the work area. This entry page is opened if the work area is opened, a new work area is switched to or the selection list for changing the work area is clicked on. Depending on the work area, this entry page shows different information and functions. In the ChangeSets, the changes to the ChangeSet are shown to the user and the user has the possibility of publishing, discarding or configuring the ChangeSet. If the user is in the “productive environment”, then all documents are listed which are currently checked out by the user.
Depending on Editor configuration, the second possible view can be divided up into object structure window and object detail window.