
Represents a wrapper for a data object.

This interface serves for working with a data object when there is uncertainty as to its storage. This data object may be in the data repository or in the data archive or have already been irrevocably deleted from the system.

The interface provides properties for checking where the data object is. Only after checking can the data object be called via the relevant property without an exception.

  • If the data object is in the data repository, then IsRepository = true
  • If the data object is in the data archive, then IsArchive = true
  • If the data object has been irrevocably deleted from the data archive, then IsRepository and IsArchive = false



Returns an instance of the data object from the data archive.


Returns the Id of the data object.


Checks whether the data object is in the data archive.


Checks whether the data object is in the data repository.


Returns an instance of the data object from the data repository.