Create(String, Byte[], Boolean):IDataObject

Creates a new data object underneath the current data object.



Type: System.String

This parameter represents the name of the new data object. If a data object with the name already exists in the same level, then a DataObjectAlreadyExistsException is triggered.


Type: System.Byte[]

This parameter is a byte[] containing a character string in the form of an Xml. Based on the schemaLocation at the "root" element of the Xml, recognises the schema the data object is to follow and validates the transferred data at the time of creation.


Type: System.Boolean

This parameter controls whether the data object is to be checked out or returned after creation. If false is indicated as the value, then the data object remains checked out.

In both cases, the data object is in version 1.0. The difference however is that if the data object still checked out is discarded, then it is deleted.