All functionalities for accessing the data of the onion.net Information Server are provided in the Onion.Client namespace.
Namespace | Description |
Onion.Client.Configuration | The namespace makes classes for providing the configuration of the Client API available. |
Onion.Client.Events | The namespace Onion.Client.Events provides classes for the processing of onion.net events. |
Interface | Description |
IArchivedChangeSet | Represents the entity of an archived ChangeSet. |
IArchivedDataObject | Represents the entity for an archived data object. |
IArchiveQuery | Provides functionalities for executing a search in the archive of the data administration. |
IArchiveSearchResult | Serves as a container for the results of a search procedure in the recycle bin for data objects. |
IAssignmentChangedGroupModification | Represents the structural modification "workspace changed". |
IBinaryObject | Represents the entity of a binary object in onion.net. |
IBinaryObjectLifetime | Represents the entity of a version of a binary object. |
IBinaryObjectLifetimeCollection | Contains a list of all versions of a binary object. |
IChangeSet | Represents the entity for an Enterprise ChangeSet. |
IChangeSetArchiveCollection | Contains a collection of all ChangeSets already released. |
IChangeSetController | Contains methods for the administration of ChangeSets. |
IChangeSetDiscardedModification | Represents the structural modification "ChangeSet discarded". |
IChangeSetEntries | Serves as a container for a list of changes in ChangeSets. |
IChangeSetEntry | Represents the entity for the collection of all changes for a data object. |
IChangeSetEntryAction | Performs an action for a collection of changes. |
IChangeSetInitialPosition | Represents a structural modification to a ChangeSet. This is the creation of a ChangeSet. |
IChangeSetModification | Contains meta information about a change to an aspect of a data object. |
IChangeSetRenamedModification | Represents the structural modification "ChangeSet renamed". |
IChangeSetRightCollection | Returns a collection of all permissions of a ChangeSet. |
IChangeSetStateChangedModification | Represents the structural modification "change to the status of a ChangeSet". |
IChangeSetStructuralModification | Represents the base of all structural modifications for a ChangeSet. |
IChangeSetStructuralModificationCollection | Supplies a collection of all structural modifications to a ChangeSet. |
IChangSetCommittedModification | Represents the structural modification "ChangeSet published". |
IDataArchive | Represents the entity of the archive for data objects in onion.net. |
IDataObject | Represents the entity of a data object in onion.net |
IDataObjectChildrenCollection | Represents a collection of data objects that are located underneath another data object. |
IDataObjectContent | Represents the "content" part of the entity of a data object. |
IDataObjectDeletedModification | Represents the structural modification "data object deleted". |
IDataObjectHistory | Contains lists of all versions and structural modifications of a data object. |
IDataObjectIdentityReservation | Represents a reservation for an Id of a data object. |
IDataObjectInitialPosition | Represents a structural modification to a data object. This is the creation of a the data object. |
IDataObjectLock | Represents the entity for a lock of a data object. |
IDataObjectLockCollection | Contains a collection of locks for data objects. |
IDataObjectMeta | Represents the "meta information" part of the entity of a data object. |
IDataObjectNameModification | Represents the structural modification "data object renamed". |
IDataObjectNameReservation | Represents a reservation for a name of a data object. |
IDataObjectParentModification | Represents the structural modification "data object moved". |
IDataObjectPublishedModification | Represents the structural modification "data object published". |
IDataObjectReference | Represents a wrapper for a data object. |
IDataObjectReferenceCollection | Gibt eine Zusammenstellung von Referenzen zu Datenobjekten zurück. |
IDataObjectReservation | Represents the base for reservations. |
IDataObjectRestoredModification | Represents the structural modification "data object restored". |
IDataObjectRightCollection | Represents a collection of all permissions for a data object. |
IDataObjectStatus | Represents the "status" part of the entity of a data object. |
IDataObjectStructuralModification | Represents the base for structural modification. |
IDataObjectStructuralModificationCollection | Calls a collection of all structural modifications for a data object. |
IDataObjectVersion | Represents the entity of a version for a data object. |
IDataObjectVersionCollection | Contains a collection of all versions for a data object. |
IDataRepository | Provides methods for accessing data objects in the data repository and data archive. |
IDeleteProcess | Represents the entity of a deletion process in onion.net |
IEventHub | Provides events for the further processing of modifications in onion.net. |
IGroup | Represents the entity of a group in onion.net |
IGroupAddedIncludeModification | Represents the structural modification "group added to group includes rights of". |
IGroupAddedMemberModification | Represents the structural modification "member added". |
IGroupCollection | Supplies a collection of all groups. |
IGroupIncludeModification | Represents the base for all structural modifications of GroupIncludes. |
IGroupIncludesCollection | Supplies a collection of all GroupIncludes of a group. |
IGroupInitialPosition | Represents a structural modification to a group. This is the creation of a group. |
IGroupMemberModification | Represents the base for all structural modifications of group memberships. |
IGroupMembersCollection | Supplies a collection of all group members of a group. |
IGroupMeta | Represents the "meta information" part of the "group" entity. |
IGroupRemovedIncludeModification | Represents the structural modification "group removed from group includes rights of". |
IGroupRemovedMemberModification | Represents the structural modification "member removed". |
IGroupRenamedModification | Represents the structural modification "group renamed". |
IGroupRightCollection | Supplies a collection relating to all permissions for data objects defined in the group. |
IGroupStructuralModification | Represents the base for all structural modifications of a group. |
IGroupStructuralModificationCollection | Supplies a collection of all structural modifications for a group. |
ILockProcess | Represents the entity for a procedure for locks on data objects. |
IOnionSession | Represents the entity of a session with the onion.net Information Server. |
IOnionSessionHost | Represents a part of the entity of an onion.net session. |
IPathFilterCollection | Supplies a collection of data objects for filtering the search results in the data repository by paths. |
ISchema | Represents the entity of a schema in onion.net |
ISchemaAbstractModification | Represents the structural modification "schema is abstract". |
ISchemaChangeSet | Allows the update of an collection of schemata in a process. |
ISchemaChildrenCollection | Represents a collection of schemas that are structurally located below another schema. |
ISchemaContent | Represents the "content" and "meta information" parts of the entity "schema". |
ISchemaFilterCollection | Supplies a collection of schemas for filtering the search results in the data repository. |
ISchemaHistory | Contains compositions of all versions and structural modifications of a schema. |
ISchemaInitialPosition | Represents a structural modification to a schema. This is the creation of a the schema. |
ISchemaParentModification | Represents the structural modification "schema moved". |
ISchemaRenamedModification | Represents the structural modification "schema renamed". |
ISchemaRepository | Provides methods for accessing schemas. |
ISchemaSortChildrenAlphabeticModification | Represents the structural modification "sort child data objects alphabetically". |
ISchemaStructuralModification | Represents the base for all structural modifications of a schema. |
ISchemaStructuralModificationCollection | Supplies a collection of all structural modifications for a schema. |
ISchemaUpdateProgress | Performs the update of schemas and data objects. |
ISchemaVersion | Represents the entity of a version for a schema. |
ISchemaVersionCollection | Contains a collection of all versions for a schema. |
ISchemaVersioningDisabledModification | Represents the structural modification "versioning deactivated for data objects". |
ISearchQuery | Represents a search in the data repository. |
ISearchResult | Represents the search result of a search in the data repository. |
IStructureSchemaChildrenCollection | Contains a collection of all child schemas of a schema. |
ITemporaryBinaryObject | Represents a temporary binary object in onion.net. |
ITransformationSet | Represents a set of Xsl transformations for the updating of data objects. |
IUser | Represents the entity of a user in onion.net |
IUserAddedGroupModification | Represents the structural modification "added to a group as a member". |
IUserCollection | Supplies a collection of all users existing in the system. |
IUserDeletedModification | Represents the structural modification "user deleted". |
IUserGroupCollection | Supplies collection of all group memberships of the user. |
IUserGroupModification | Represents the base for all structural modifications of group memberships. |
IUserInitialPosition | Represents a structural modification to a user. This is the creation of a user. |
IUserMeta | Represents the 'meta information' part of the 'user' entity. |
IUserPasswordChangedModification | Represents the structural modification "password changed". |
IUserRemovedGroupModification | Represents the structural modification "removed as a member from a group". |
IUserRenamedModification | Represents the structural modification "user renamed". |
IUserRepository | Provides properties for accessing the users and groups of the user management. |
IUserRolesUpdatedModification | Represents the structural modification "roles modified". |
IUserSettingsContainer | Represents the entity for a collection of user profiles. |
IUserStructuralModification | Represents the base for all structural modifications of a user. |
IUserStructuralModificationCollection | Supplies a collection of all structural modifications for a user. |
Class | Description |
AccessPermissionException | This exception is triggered if the user used does not have sufficient permissions when accessing information of onion.net. |
AlreadyEnteredChangeSetException | This exception is triggered if the logged on user tries to enter a further Enterprise ChangeSet in the current session. |
BinaryNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to access non-existing or no longer existing binary data in onion.net. |
ChangeSetAlreadyExistsException | This exception is triggered if a ChangeSet with a name that already exists is created or renamed. |
ChangeSetLockedException | This exception is triggered if the current user tries to make changes to data objects when the current Enterprise ChangeSet is in locked state. |
ChangeSetNotFoundException | This exception is triggered when it is attempted to access a non-existent ChangeSet. |
ChangeSetRight | Represents the entity for an permission of a ChangeSet. |
ChildNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to access a non-existent child object. |
CircularReferenceException | This exception is triggered if a circular structure results in the onion.net data tree due to an operation. |
ContentFilter | Represents a filter for the onion.net data search. This filter limits by content. |
DataObjectAlreadyExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to create or move a data object with the same name in a level. |
DataObjectAlreadyLockedException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to set a lock for a data object and the lock already exists for that object or infringes another locking rule. |
DataObjectCheckedOutException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to execute an operation for a data object and the data object must be returned for this operation. |
DataObjectLockedException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to make a change to a data object which was already made in another ChangeSet. |
DataObjectLockNotFoundException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to access a lock which does not exist. |
DataObjectNotCheckedOutException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to return or discard a data object when it is already returned. |
DataObjectNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to call a data object based on the Id, name or path or to access information of a data object that no longer exists. |
DataObjectReferencedException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to delete the data object, although it is still referenced in another data object. |
DataObjectVersionNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if a version for a data object was searched for which does not exist or does not exist in the current context. |
DataReferenceLockedException | This exception is triggered if a data object is to be referenced which has been marked for deletion in a ChangeSet. |
DeleteProcessNotFoundException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to call a deletion process with an Id and this deletion process does not exist in the archive. |
EnteredDifferentChangeSetException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to leave a ChangeSet which is not that of the current session. |
GroupNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to call a group that does not exist. |
InvalidCredentialsException | This exception is triggered if the user cannot log onto the system. |
InvalidSessionException | This exception is triggered if the current session is invalid. |
LockProcessNotFoundException | This exception is triggered if the logged on user attempts to call a LockProcess that does not exist. |
NameFilter | Represents a filter for the onion.net data search. This filter limits by name. |
OnionSession | Generates a connection to the onion.net Information Server and is the implementation of the interface IOnionSession. |
OnionSessionState | Represents the entity of a state of a Client API session. |
RequiresSessionHostException | This exception is triggered if the user used attempts to generate a new session (subsession) and does not have the necessary role of application server. |
Right | Represents the entity for a permission of a data object. |
SchemaAlreadyExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to create a schema with a name which is already present in the system. |
SchemaAlreadyInUseException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to define a schema as abstract when instances already exist. |
SchemaNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if the logged on user attempts to call a schema that does not exist. |
SchemaStillReferencedException | This exception is triggered if the logged on user attempts to delete a schema which is still in use. |
SchemaUpdateException | This exception is triggered if the XSD to be saved is not valid. |
SchemaVersionNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if the logged on user searches for a schema version that does not exist. |
StructureSchemaChildAlreadyExistsException | This exception is triggered if a schema is to be defined as a child schema for a second time. |
StructureSchemaChildNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to remove a schema as a child schema when it was already not a child schema. |
UserAlreadyExistsException | This exception is triggered if it is attempted to create a user with a name which is already present in the system. |
UserApplicationSettings | Represents the entity of a user profile. |
UserNotExistsException | This exception is triggered if the logged on user attempts to query a user that does not exist. |
WrongSchemaException | This exception is triggered if the logged on user attempts to create a data object underneath another data object which is not permitted according to child schema definition. |
XmlSchemaValidationException | This exception is triggered if a schema is not valid. |
Enumeration | Description |
ApprovalState | Indicates the state of a publication status for a data object. |
ArchivedChangeSetState | Indicates how the ChangeSet was released. |
ChangeSetState | Indicates the state of an Enterprise ChangeSet. |
ContentMatchType | Influences the kind of content search. |
DataObjectChangeTypes | Indicates the modifications to a data object in a ChangeSet. |
DataObjectStatusFilter | Represents a filter for the onion.net data search. This filter reduces the search by the status of a data object. |
GroupAssignment | Indicates the workspace for a group in the data repository. |
LockTypes | Indicates the lock on a data object. |
MatchType | Represents the search mode for words in the name of data objects. |
PositioningMode | Indicates whether a data object is to be positioned before or after a reference data object. |
RightValue | Indicates the state for an permission. |
SchemaReferenceType | Indicates how a schema is referenced. |
SchemaUpdatePhase | Indicates which step a SchemaUpdateProgress is in. |
SearchMode | Indicates which data objects are to be found in the indicated path. |
UserRoles | Indicates the role of a user. |