SetXmlData(Byte[], Boolean):Void

Updates the Xml of the data object.

The Xml of the data object can be updated by means of this method.

The method does not explicitly assume the editing process for the data object, but locks the updating of content for the time of execution. If the document is returned before the call, then a new version is generated and the data object remains returned after that. If the executing user has checked out the data object before the method is called, the content is updated but no version is generated and the data object remains checked out. If the data object is now discarded, then it receives the content from before the data object was checked out.

In order to update binary data or add new binary data to the data object, the binary data must be uploaded into the system before this method is called. This is done via the method CreateBinary. The result supplies an object containing a reference identifier for the binary file. This identifier must now be inserted at an appropriate place in the Xml document. Only then can the Xml be transferred to this method for saving.

Return type: System.Void



Type: System.Byte[]

This parameter contains the complete Xml of the data object as a character string in the form of a byte[].


Type: System.Boolean

This parameter indicates whether binary data already located in the archive for binary data is to be restored, in the case that this data is to be referenced in the Xml document.