ExtractReferenceIdentifiers(String, &String[], &String[]):Void

Extracts all references to data objects and binary objects of an Xml.

This method extracts all references to data objects and binary objects from the indicated Xml.

Since the location of the schema that follows the Xml must be indicated at the root element of the Xml, the references can be extracted based on the defined XSDs. The method recognises here whether the XmlNode is derived from the type xlink:objectReference or xlink:binaryReference or whether an xsd:string is concerned. Only strict references are extracted.

Return type: System.Void



Type: System.String

This parameter contains the Xml.


Type: &System.String[]

This parameter is filled with the references found to data objects. If no references to data objects are found, then an empty list is returned.


Type: &System.String[]

This parameter is filled with the references found to binary objects. If no references to binary objects are found, then an empty list is returned.