Context menu
You will know context menus from your everyday work on the computer. In the case of graphic user interfaces a context menu is an interaction object that offers the selection of different actions to the user for a certain context. In general, the context menu is opened in the proximity of the mouse pointer as a pop-up by clicking the second (right-hand) mouse button.
The context menu is subdivided into several sections. In general, it comprises the sections New and Functions and often also a section called Extras. Since is context-sensitive, special context menus are displayed depending on the clicked object. Due to this, not all context menu items are available for every object.
All object types that can be created underneath an object appear in its context menu in the section New. In order to create a new object, you only have to call the context menu and the select the corresponding object type.
Copy, paste, delete or rename of an object can be effected via the context menu section Functions. This section also comprises the call function of the research window within the content administration (see Research Window) and the preview (see Preview).
For every object type, specific functions can be programmed that are listed in the section Extras.