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Progressive forms

A form is a standardised means for entering data. Forms make the collection of (mass) data easier, provide for completeness as well as data integrity and help prevent ambiguities that may arise if there is a free choice of wording or a formless request. For this reason there is no information system that can get around forms where entering contents into the system is involved. However, like in the case of official forms, a user is frequently faced with a number of fields and widgets and has to decide, without sufficient assistance, what he needs to do and fill out in order to get to where he wants. also uses forms for data acquisition, although in a different way to comparable systems. The editor only displays the mandatory fields first of all, i. e. the fields that must be filled out in order for the document to be stored. Selection fields and optional fields must be enabled explicitly. The form therefore grows in the directions corresponding to the contents to be entered.

This should be made clearer with an example. When entering contact information, the sex as well as the first name and surname are given as mandatory fields. Additional optional information can also be entered, including the position of the contact person as well as some business contact details.

 Progressive form

Which fields are mandatory and which are optional is determined in the schema that each type of object is subject to and on the basis of which the respective progressive forms generate themselves automatically.