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Publishing / rejecting ChangeSets

After all work in a ChangeSet has been completed, the latter can be published. The peculiarity of the Enterprise ChangeSet is that each ChangeSet can be published without problems since no conflicts can arise at the time of the publication process.

 Publish a ChangeSet

Following a confirmation prompt, the changes of the ChangeSet will be applied to the productive area and the empty ChangeSet is deleted.

The status the individual documents are in is not important for a publication. So even documents with the status “rejected” are published. If documents that are still checked out are in the ChangeSet at the time of publication, these are transferred to the productive environment with the changes currently checked out and are no longer checked out there.

The intermediate versions of the documents produced in the ChangeSet are scrapped when publishing.

Of course, it is also possible to reject all changes in one go. If this is done, all changes are lost and the ChangeSet is deleted.