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Object structure window

Objects can be displayed in the structure area as part of the tree or separately in the object detail window. The object detail window makes it possible to show objects with additional information. It is possible to configure a list view or symbol view for this. The following two advantages can be singled out:

  • If an object has a particularly high number of child objects, such as a graphic folder containing several dozen graphics, the tree soon becomes cluttered. Displaying the child objects in the object structure window increases the ergonomics of the Editor.

  • Unlike in the tree, additional information about objects can be displayed in the object structure window, such as a reduced-size preview picture for graphics.

The list view and symbol view differ in their representation. The list view is, as the name suggests, a list with additional information on an object. This information may be for example the name, data from the content or meta information. The symbol view on the other hand concentrates on the representation of pictures. Miniature pictures from the content of the individual data objects are displayed here. This means picture collections can be quickly scanned without having to open the individual objects. Of course, the usual functionalities like a sorting & dragging and dropping are available.


Object structure windows for different schemas of the module are maintained in a central configuration. This configuration can be created on the module root node in the tree view using the context menu. The node “object structure window” will then be in the tree view.

The configuration of the object structure windows is performed using XML. You will find a detailed description on the configuration here.