The utility functions extend the core functions with the following methods. The referencing of the namespace http://onionworks.net/2004/renderengine/utility is necessary for applying the methods.
Namespace: http://onionworks.net/2004/renderengine/utility
Name | Parameter | Return type | Description |
createIteration | count:int | nodeset | Serves for creating a loop with a fixed number of iterations. |
createIterationBlocks | itemCount:int blockSize:int |
nodeset | Serves for dividing up a number of elements into blocks. |
distinct | items:nodeset | nodeset | Checks whether there are node duplicates and returns a nodeset without the duplicate elements. |
endsWith | text:string endsWith:string |
boolean | Checks whether a character string ends with a certain character sequence. |
fadeColor | sourceColor:string targetColor:string position:double |
string | Enables the creation of colours between two transferred colours. |
formatNumber | number:double format:string [culture:string] |
string | Converts a number into another format. |
formatXmlDate | date:datetime format:string [culture:string] |
string | Converts a date in xml format into another date format. |
javaScriptEncode | orginal:string | string | Transforms any string into a Javascript-complaint string. |
parseDate | date:string culture:string |
datetime | Converts a date into an xml-complaint format. |
replace | original:string text:string replaceWith:string |
string | Replaces a character sequence in a string with any character sequence. |
toLower | original:string | string | Changes all characters of the transferred string into small letters. |
toUpper | orginal:string | string | Changes all characters of the transferred string into capital letters. |
xmlEncode | original:string | string | Transforms any string into an xml-complaint string. |