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Configuring a ChangeSet

The new ChangeSet can now be adapted to requirements by clicking on the button “Configure”. If you wish to make a change to the configuration while working, you can get to the right configuration page by clicking once on the ChangeSet name in the structure area.

ChangeSet configuration

Button “Configure"

ChangSet configuration

Adapting the ChangeSet

Three different modes can be set per ChangeSet.


Whoever works in this ChangeSet can edit all documents to which he has access. This is the default for new ChangeSets.

Accepted documents blocked

Documents which have been given the status “Accepted” can no longer be edited. This makes sense if workflows are worked with within the ChangeSet and a quality assurance phase starts. For more on the different statuses within a ChangeSet, see the chapter Working with “statuses".

Completely blocked

No (more) changes can be made within this ChangeSet. This is particularly wise for quality assurance phases in which a “frozen zone” has been included. During this time, no more changes may be made in the contents to be tested, so that no new errors can worm their way into documents that have already been checked.