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Widget component

As opposed to a Genericform component, a widget component is not bound to a node of the model. The widget component is automatically bound to the entire model. The structure of the widget component differs only slightly from the Genericform component. The maintenance is divided into four areas:


This tab only contains the GUID of the widget component.

Server component

In this section, the output of the component can be arranged using HTML and XSLT. In addition, the extensions described here are available.

Client component

This section makes the integration of CSS and Javascript possible. There is the possibility of binding a Javascript instance to an HTML element. The definition of a prototype and the binding to the HTML element in the server component is necessary for this. The prototype string consists of the class name of the Javascript class and the text section “.prototype” (e.g. dateTimePicker.prototype). The binding in the server component is ensured by the attribute “data-component”. The GUID of the component must be set as the content of the attribute. You will find a more detailed description of the Javascript prototype here.


This section serves for the definition of user-defined configuration values. These can serve for example for transferring a localized text value. The definition is performed using XML. You will find a more detailed description of the XML structure here. Configurations can be created underneath the widget component data object.