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Javascript prototype

Several features and methods are available to the Javascript instance.


Property Description
ownerForm Genericform-instance in which the component is used.
readOnly Boolean value which provides information as to whether the Genericform is editable.
spellChecker Spellchecker-Instance.
component onion_GenericFormComponent Instance.
sourceWindow Javascript window in which the component is used. See also
htmlNode Javascript node on which the component is bound. See also
dataNode The Genericform data node which is bound to the component.
locator Value for unique identification in the XML.
settings Object with the transferred properties.


Function Description
data(key) Enables the calling of status-wide values.
data(key, value) Enables the setting of status-wide values.
loadState() If this function is defined, it is called when loading and changing the status of the Genericform.
saveState() If this function is defined, it is called when saving the Genericform.
destroy() If this function is defined, , it is called when tidying up the Genericform.